Thursday, February 24, 2011

Made of Stars

This graphic was inspired by a song written by Moby in 2002. The night sky shot is of the Milky Way and was taken over Switzerland. The cityscape is of Vancouver, Canada when it was encased in fog.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bait and Switch

The inspiration for this graphic came from what I have observed as the extremes that some churches will go to in the name of "outreach". And when they are challenged on it some churches will say it's all about reaching the lost and point to the number of people that pass through their doors, when the truth is that for them it's become more about the show, doing something that stands out and the accolades of having a "cool" church. Stay Classy Church. Romans 12:2

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Perspective Changes Choices

Both graphics speak to issues contained within the individual graphic image. And one can clearly choose to be the sheep in one, and the sheepdog in the other.