Wednesday, July 13, 2011

SFN Seating Configuration Redesign

As SFN church had surpassed the 80% seating ration in its sanctuary, Pastor Brandin asked if I could design a new seating configuration that would maximize the space to accommodate more people. So I took some rough measurements of the room and measured the seat dimensions to be able to create this new seating arrangement. Originally they had 3 sections of seating that were long rows and all facing forward. I found that by splitting the outside rows and angling them in, I could increase seating, as well as open the seating up. This gave the appearance of more room, provided more seating in the sanctuary and actually saved seating, as people tend to sit on the outside of the rows. With the long rows, this would result in unused seating, as people tend not to want to walk over people to get to a seat. By making the rows shorter (5 seats) on the wings, this resulted in fewer seats that would remain empty and increased overall seating in the sanctuary. This current configuration will seat 267 when you include the seats on the back wall. And it would be no problem to add extra seats and bump this number up to 300 with ease.

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